Lakeland Elementary Scott Campus

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James Pivirotto » Lakeland Scott Campus Math & Reading Intervention Page

Lakeland Scott Campus Math & Reading Intervention Page

Click on the subject below to access resources. 
Please join my Reading Intervention Google Classroom to access activities. Join here with the code: txvip3a.
Please join my Math Intervention Google Classroom to access activities.
Join here with the code 77hry7z
Hi Everyone! I hope that you are staying healthy and taking this time to read some good books! I have added some great resources for you can check out!  

If you need help finding your next book to read, check out this website for some great suggestions!

Connect with your library for some great online reading resources and cross curricular games!

Literacy lessons that include comprehension and short passages to analyze. Free, Grades K-12

Takes authentic content from the world's most trusted providers and turn it into learning materials that are classroom-ready.

Listen to your favorite story books read by famous actors!

Vocabulary App: World’s Worst Pet Vocabulary Grades 4-8

World’s Worst Pet exposes students to over 1000 Tier Two words at 6 different levels through four engaging games.

This fun site has all kinds of games and facts about books. Free, Grades K-12

Any kids who love Harry Potter will adore this everything Harry Potter reading website. Free, grade 3-7

Into the Book is a reading comprehension site that focuses on reading strategies teachers work on every day. Get practice using prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating and synthesizing. Free, Grades K-6

Read Theory offers online reading activities for all ages and ability levels. The program adapts to students’ individual ability levels and presents them with thousands of skill-building exercises that suit their needs. Free, Grades K-12

Lots of non-fiction articles on this site and you can level it by Lexile (reading) level. Free, Grades K-12


Teacher Contact Information: 
Math: Mrs. Canjar
Reading: Mrs. Rogowski