Your child’s attendance in school is of extreme importance to his/her success. Frequent absence lessens the
child’s interest in his work and may cause unsatisfactory progress. Upon return to school following an absence, each child will be issued an excuse form by the teacher to be filled out by the parent indicating the date and reason for absence. This excuse along with any medical excuses issued by a Doctor’s office must be returned to the teacher no later than three days after the absence.
Reasons other than illness, quarantine, death in the family or emergency situations are not considered legal.
In order to remain compliant with Act 138 of 2016, we have revised our attendance protocols to include the
A. A warning letter indicating the consequences of habitual truancy will be issued within ten days of the third
unexcused absence.
B. Upon the fourth unexcused absence, parent/guardians will be invited to a school attendance improvement
C. Children who are absent for six or more days without a legal excuse are considered to be habitually absent.
D. Once students reach six or more days they are referred to Lackawanna County Youth and Family Services
Truancy Liaison, a truancy citation may be filed with the District Magistrate.
Effective September 26, 2019, all children from the age of (6) through the age of eighteen (18) must comply with
compulsory school attendance requirements. To meet these requirements, parents must ensure that their child
between the ages of 6-18 is attending or participating in one of the following: a public elementary, middle or
high school; a public charter or cyber-charter school; a private licensed academic or private religious school;
home tutoring by a certified teacher; or an approved program of homeschooling. Children may be excused
from compulsory attendance for documented medical or other compelling reasons as outlined in district
attendance policy and procedures.